that feeling of FREEDOM!
Oct 17, 2024
“I prefer dangerous freedom - over peaceful slavery,” - Thomas Jefferson
As the Style Dominatrix I’m here to remind you to…
🩷 Stop caring so much about what other people will think, wear what lights YOU up. This small daily choice is representational of how you live your life. Break the rules, and instead make your own. Be memorable!
🩷 Go into your pain, because that is where your power is hiding. Free yourself from your shame drawer—the parts of you that don’t feel good enough, pretty enough, worthy enough.
🩷 Pleasure is the antidote. Beauty, magnetism, euphoric joy, are healing balm to your soul, and open the door to the woman you’re here to become.
Having just returned on a bucket-list trip to South Africa, I am feeling a renewed sense of freedom...let's go!!