Are you afraid what other women will think of you?
Jul 16, 2024
My senior year of high school, I lost all of my friends. 💔
When women voice their fears…”What will other women think of me?? I’m afraid to outshine others. I don’t want to attract too much attention.”
I know the dark side of this.
It’s something I honestly don’t feel anymore… because I confronted it.
Ok so I know you’re wondering how I lost all of my friends…. One of my longtime friends got jealous of me and made everyone turn against me. I didn’t know at the time but she had a crush on the college boy that liked me, and when he became my boyfriend, it was too much for her.
“We don’t like you anymore” - one of the girls called to tell me out of the blue one night. I remember the feeling of room closing in around me… it was such out of body experience, I felt like I was dying.
Years of friendship and sleepovers, summer nights at the pool, teenage hangouts … over in an instant. I was exiled from the group.
I remember the incredible awkwardness of sitting on the edge of the group at the school lunch table. I wasn’t “in” the group anymore, they won’t even look at me. But with just a few months before graduating, how could I possibly find a new friend group now?!
I graduated from high school saying that I didn’t have any friends in my class.
Well, there were a couple friends in that group who didn’t fully disown me, but they still stayed predominately loyal to the group. Can’t really blame them, but nevertheless it hurt to be so alone.
So many women hold back for the fear of judgements from other women.
But I can tell you having my greatest fear happen - it set me free. 🦅
You’re right…
Insecure women will try to tear you down.
They will gossip about you.
Tell lies about you behind your back.
Your shine, glow up, honesty, and vivaciousness will threaten them.
Why are you wearing that?
Who do you think you are?
What, you think you’re better than us?
How dare you…
Ya, it hurts 💔
But guess what… after the initial sting you realize they have no power over you.
And because of this, their voices quiet dramatically.
And soon you magnetize the RIGHT people who celebrate the real you.
The women who go, DANG GIRL, you inspire me walk in the room and shine too.
Secure women who truly cheer on other women in their fullness
Other women with icon status who GET that rocking your style and owning the energy of being seen takes courage!
I dare you to consider….. are you dressing as an expression of who you are… or as a way to appease other women? 🤔